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5 Questions To Ask Your Team Members Every Month

The entrepreneur of a business is always aware of the situations of his organization but the employees often feel uncared or unnoticed. Here we present to you 5 questions which you can ask your employees every month. These questions are not the panacea of employer-employee relationship but this can definitely help.

What is your biggest accomplishment during the month

Asking an employee about his biggest accomplishment of the month triggers in him a sense of achievement and that his performance matters. By asking about an employee’s accomplishment during the month you are giving you employee a sense of personal pride in his professional achievement. These accomplishments are measure of the employee performance which can be useful in performance appraisal and HR planning.

What’s your biggest challenge right now

Asking about the challenges your employees are facing helps you as their leader to better understand the situation and provide a solution. While asking the question about challenges your personal problem solving mode is activated which helps in faster solution of the problems in your business or department. When you ask your employee about his/her biggest challenge you are showing empathy to the position to that person. When employees see empathy they feel safe, they have a sense of belonging.

What should we do differently

Humans like to advice, if we use this psychological principle we can reduce the hesitation to change in our organization. By asking the employees about what we should do differently; we create sense of pride and joy of advising in the employees. This results in better understanding for you as well as your team about what needs to be changed and what is the right solution not only the best one. Asking your employees about the changes needed help you to identify the points of problems which help you to implement the changes as necessary.

What resources would be helpful to you right now

This question helps you to understand about the resources which are lacking in your organization or department which you need to refill or replace. This helps the entrepreneur or leader to assess the preparedness of his organization to face the challenges. The entrepreneur, by asking this question shows empathy with his employees that he understands their limitations and is ready to extend every kind of help that is necessary.

Is there anything I can help you with

When you as a leader or entrepreneur ask this question he is extending support which is non-financial in nature. You are offering guidance and your energy and time rather than other impersonal resource. This gives the employees a sense of belonging to the organization. This positively affects the motivation and engagement of the employees. Higher motivation is a result of better trust in the leadership.

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